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Welome to Fobo
Two Causes, One Vision.
​To improve health and wellbeing whilst increasing hospitality footfall, sales, reach and engagement.​
The Problem
People are increasingly socialising online rather than in real life.
This has resulted in a reduction of hospitality venues,
Increase in people experiencing poor mental health.
​Sources: NHS Digital, Mental Health Foundation, Office for National Statistics (ONS), British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA)
Mental Fitness.
Fobo will be championing an alternative approach to mental health.
This will take the form of Mental Fitness, which like Physical Fitness people experience good days and bad days. Also, in parallel to physical fitness replenishing sleep, eating and increasing real life social activity offers a more proactive alternative to medication.
Proof it works.
People have been connecting with friends, making new friends, building new social groups and communities for centuries. Simple examples include: sports teams, walking groups, book clubs, charity causes, health groups, collectors of all number of different things including cars, toys, memorabilia.
​The Fobo App will make connecting in real life easier than it has ever been in history.
How it works.
Fobo Connects people with shared interests and values in local hospitality venues.
Hospitality venues will create posts and content designed to attract Fobo members to their locations. Example:​
Are you a new mum or about to be one? Come and meet others like you at 4-5pm on Tuesday. All mums welcome.
Venues will also post offers and discounts, such as "2 for 1" deals, ideally tailored to the interests of multiple Fobo members. Example:
Are you a Manchester United fan? Enjoy 2-for-1 on your first round. Share a pint with fellow local supporters.
Brand protection within the app,
Members have a simple profile with only one picture and listed interests. No one can follow or contact others directly. Members can like, share, and follow venues, influencers, celebrities and public figures, their posts and offers, but there are no comments or feedback permitted.
Listed interests.
like, share and follow venues
We believe we are creating something that will enrich lives, society and improve mental fitness. It will be safe, profitable, pioneering and we would love you to share your views on Fobo and to become part of the journey.
Meet the team
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Technical Officer
Chief Product Officer
Dr Janey
Chief Medical Officer
Fobo will eliminate antisocial online behaviour
No one can comment or leave feedback
No one can follow or contact others
How do people get involved?
They can become a Members, Hospitality Vendors, Friends of Fobo, a Fobo Celebrity Friend or an Equity Friend.
How will people find out about it?
Public awareness campaigns through universities, schools, mainstream media and word of mouth. Fobo will build the first global offline community that incentivises real life connections and friendships.
Fobo branding is friendly and inclusive
Feel valued and loved on Fobo
Living my best
Your starts here
Get a
Markets where Fobo will generate revenue for and income from
Mental Fitness data sales to Government agencies
UK Hospitality which had revenues of £93 billion in 2023
UK Influencer sponsored posts worth £869 million in 2023 forecast to grow to £1.2 billion by 2028
Fobo has a completely new, laser targeted, highly intuitive revenue model.
It will provide:
Mental Fitness data for all ages and cultures to government agencies to reduce medication cost and dependency.
Multiple data that hospitality is currently unable to capture.
Superior value to brands that celebrities and influencers promote.
Version 2 will have additional premium features and content that will add value to the members experience.
Funding Ask
Fobo requires funds to build the Minimal Viable Product (MVP).
Fobo will also require funds to run the public awareness campaigns.
We have low cost ways of achieving this. We are also mindful that those interested in becoming part of Fobo will have their own ideas of how to achieve our vision and the associated costs. For these reasons Fobo is open to negotiations on equity for investment.
Raise seed funding for MVP and awareness campaign funds, build MVP, roll out awareness programme, grow membership and registered hospitality venues.
Contact info: Terry Cullen +44 (0) 7717 803822
Fobo - Focus on Being Offline. Meet real people in real life and boost your mental fitness.
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